COVID-19 has changed our world. It's frightened us, inspired us, isolated us, and drawn us closer. Obviously, the effects of the pandemic have affected us in different ways. But one thing is certain, we've all looked at COVID-19 data and wondered what's happening, and how is it affecting me?
I have recently taught a 3-day workshop (2-3 hours per day) that teaches sutdents how to access, analyze, and interpret for themselves, the different data associated with COVID-19. We use all free software that can run directly off a thumb drive, so you don't have to install anything: just download the associated .zip file, and start working.
Now, I am making that workshop available on Udemy for under $20. Simply click this link, and you'll be taken to the workshop.
The course will teach you how to use SQL with the free and open source database, SQLite, to answer an almost unlimited number of questions related to COVID-19 at the National, State, County, and regional levels. We'll also analyze the geographic distribution of COVID-19 using the spatial mapping extension for SQLite, SpatiaLite.
With these tools, you'll be able to analyze the temporal and spatial characteristics of COVID-19. And, with the extensive SQL training in the videos, you'll be able to come up with your own questions to analyze the data.
Finally, we'll prepare the data for statistical analysis, asking questions like:
are there regional differences in COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths throughout the United States?
how have cases, hospitalizations, and deaths changed over time?
what are the patterns and trends in my county, and how does that compare to the State or National numbers?