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A New Online Course in Statistical Problem Solving in Geography


I am so happy to see the uptake in universities that are using my textbook An Introduction to Statistical Problem Solving in Geography.  Not only are more schools using the book, but the feedback from the faculty has been tremendous:

Just yesterday, a Professor wrote:

I use your textbook for our required “Statistical Research Methods in Geography” course at [Name of College Withheld] and am so glad that you are continuing to update and support it as I find it the best book on the subject out there.

 As you know, I also put together a corresponding wor

kbook that includes laboratory exercises for each of the book chapters.  A number of schools are using the book, and I provide answer keys to the professors.  This has worked out well, allowing students to obtain a textbook and a laboratory workbook for under $70.

To support the faculty using my book, I provide them with my lecture notes.  That way, they can get their classes spun-up a lot quicker.  I just send out an updated version of my lecture notes this week.

Recently, I created an online version of my course at  The course includes over 40 lectures, 10 hours of video instruction, quizzes, discussion boards, and also step throughs of worked examples.  It is pretty much an entire college course on statistics and geography.  The course is listed at $99, but I am offering a coupon to obtain the entire course for $29.  The coupon code is gisadvisor.  You can access the course with the coupon offer here.  If you visit the site, you can view some of the lectures for free, and see the entire curriculum outline.

The reviews for the course have been excellent.

So, if you want to learn how to use statistics in a geographic context, or supplement a statistics course you are currently enrolled in, check out the course.  Also, if you are a Professor who wants to make these videos available to your students, please let me know so that I can get you the necessary materials.

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