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Can I Download, Install, Create, and Deploy a Dashboard in Under 15 Minutes??


I just started experimenting with a free and open source Web GIS framework called MapStore. MapStore is developed by GeoSolutions, and allows users to create, manage, and share maps, dashboards, and stories. I found it pretty easy to install and use, although as you might expect it does have some limitations. Now, I've been a GIS professional for almost 40 years, so I should be able to create a dashboard. But I know that there are so many non-technical people out there that might have an interest in creating geographic dashboards, web maps, and geo stories. So, my question was:

can a relative novice install and deploy a dashboard with little to no effort.

Screenshot of the dashboard I created using MapStore

As a fun experiment, I wanted to see if it was possible to spin up a GIS-based dashboard from start-to-finish in under 20 minutes. Now, when I say start-to-finish, I mean it. I'm talking about downloading the software, installing it on my computer, and then building the dashboard.

I'm also assuming that many people I talk to don't know the first thing about server technology. So we are talking about someone who has knowledge of using a PC and Office-type products, along with a familiarity with GIS. But, they aren't server-based techies. These might be engineers, health professionals, small business owners, or non-profit workers (like churches, homeless shelters, food pantries).

Now, let's address the elephant in the room: Is this a replacement for Esri tools? Absolutely not! The tools offered by Esri like Experience Builder, Esri Dashboards, or Story Maps are incredibly sophisticated, and have an amazing integration with the entire Esri (and even open source) ecosystem and a strong connection to cloud based storage. I've heard that Esri has invested close to a billion dollars into the development of ArcGIS Online, so really, nothing comes close to the sophistication they offer. In my own lab, it is our software of choice. Other commercial products like Microsoft Power BI or Tableau are also excellent, easy to use, and very well integrated into the cloud. But, if you are an engineer, health professional, small business owner, or non-profit worker (like churches, homeless shelters, food pantries), MapStore might be a very useful tool if you cannot afford a license for commercial products. Keep in mind, this is a really bare-bones video, and MapStore is quite limited at the moment, but it illustrates that with very little effort, you can have a server and basic dashboard up-and-running even if you have little knowledge of GIS or server technology.

Keep an eye out for other videos, as I look to create map stories, web maps, and even work with a Senior Software Engineering class at my University to see if we can get into the code and add some cool functionality to MapStore.



© 2023, Arthur J. Lembo, Jr.

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